Monday 11 August 2008

Robotics Research: Enhancing The Lives Of People With Disabilities - NSF Sponsored Project Improves Quality And Flexibility Of Rehabilitation Robotics

�Robots may be the solution for people with disabilities world Health Organization are struggling to find the function of their limbs, thanks to a research squad that includes engineers and students from Rochester Institute of Technology.

The study utilizes physiological information, or bio-signals, produced by the human body, to ameliorate the performance of external assistive devices, called orthoses, which assistance individuals with physical disabilities, such as strokes or major spinal anesthesia cord injuries, regain the use of there weaponry and legs.

The design is funded through the National Science Foundation Computer, Information Science and Engineering Directorate and includes researchers and students from Rochester Institute of Technology, Georgia Tech, and Georgetown University.

"The data collected through this project will assist designers and engineers in developing more sophisticated assistive aids for individuals